Thursday, April 9, 2009

Counseling for Various Courses after Competitive Exams

Counseling for Various Courses after Competitive Exams is really very tough Job.

In the State of Rajasthan On-line counseling was started in 2008. And very first the courses covered are Engineering (RPET/AIEEE/NATA), Management (RMAT) and B.Ed.

Project was started and initiative taken by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Rajasthan. Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) approched NIC for on-line web based counseling, and it was conducted very successfuly under the guidence of NIC Officers.


1. RPET: Prof. V.Rao


2. RMAT: Prof. S.K. Rathore


3. B.Ed.: Prof. R.L.Mathur


Technical Experts:

1. DDG, NIC: Dr. G.Bose


2. SIO, Rajasthan: Dr. Indu Gupta


3. Project Co-ordinator: Amit Bhiwani


Being an educational specialist, I was really very keen interested to know how it was done? And after talking to co-ordinatrs and NIC experts, I felt that it really requires very hard efforts and mind blowing skill sets, as a very minor mistake can destroy the entire project. Just like pure milk spoiled by a little impurity.

All three co=ordinators Dr. Rao, Prof. rathore and Prof R.L.Mathur are very experienced and took the challange for first time on-line counseling.

On-Line Counseling has two hearts:

Web based tasks like registration of candidate, choice feeling and on-line reporting was handeled by NIC, Delhi team that is one heart of on-line counseling.

The other heart which is more difficult to manage and can lead to legal issues, if not done carefully, is seat allotment as per reservation policy and seats availablility in various institutes. This was done at Jaipur in the supervision of SIO & Mr. Amit Bhiwani. Mr. Bhiwani has more than 15 years of IT experience, and expert & armed with highly skilled qualifications in technical and logical matters.

Seat allotment process is also very tedious job and requires to execute the program day & night (round the clock).

After lot of hard work and dedication of all above people, ultimatly on-line counseling was done successfuly for all aboue courses. Salute to them.